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  • 18 May 2013
  • Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church


  • I am a resident of the Robin Hill Neighborhood Association area and wish to participate in the event.
  • I do not live in the Robin Hill Neighborhood Association area (or I'm not sure if I do) but I want to participate in this event!
  • I am interested in volunteering to help with this event!

Registration is closed
The Robin Hill Neighborhood Association is participating in the City of Omaha's Neighborhood Cleanup. Our cleanup event will be held on Saturday, May 18 at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, 45th and Grover Street.

Disposal opportunities for bulky items or difficult to dispose of items such as chairs and couches will be available from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Tires and appliances will also be collected on May 18, but at a separate site. Email robinhillpool@gmail.com for the locations those items will be collected.

Spring Clean-Up also offers the opportunity to dispose of large limbs and brush not eligible for the City’s weekly yard waste collection. You can pick up a voucher at our site to dispose of your limbs and brush at River City Recycling on May 18 for FREE.

We are also seeking VOLUNTEERS to help us on this day! Please email us for more information.

This Neighborhood Clean-Up event is a partnership between City of Omaha, Keep Omaha Beautiful, Inc. and the Robin Hill Neighborhood Association.

Register and we will send you a reminder email and more details about the event as we get closer to May 18.
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